My Life in Books, 2019

Over on Annabookbel’s blog, this week, I discovered a quirky approach to summing up my year of reading. The idea is to finish fourteen sentences using some of the titles of books I’ve read during the past twelve months.

Apparently this challenge has been circulating since at least 2009. I’ve never been adept at keeping pace with any kind of fashion, but even so, ten years late is probably a record for me.

So here I am. Are you ready? Who knows what these add up to…

In high school I was The Day of The Triffids (John Wyndham)

People might be surprised by The Secret History (Donna Tartt)

I will never be The Power of The Dog (Thomas Savage)

My fantasy job is Eats, Shoots and Leaves (Lynne Truss)

At the end of a long day I need Bluebeard’s Egg (Margaret Attwood)

I hate The End of The Affair (Graham Greene)

I wish I had Our Man in Havana (Graham Greene)

My family reunions are The Blush and other stories (Elizabeth Taylor)

At a party you’d find me with Resurrection Men (Ian Rankin)

I’ve never been to The Narrow Road to the Deep North (Richard Flanagan)

A happy day includes Essential Stories (VS Pritchett)

The motto I live by, I Capture the Castle (Dodie Smith)

On my bucket list is, The Public Image (Muriel Spark)

In my next life, I want to have My Cousin Rachel (Daphne du Maurier)

21 thoughts on “My Life in Books, 2019

    • I did have a smile working out my answers, and would definitely recommend giving it a go, though I did have to think rather hard to remember some of the books that I read in the first half of the year.
      The Dodie Smith and Graham Greene were easy, though, like you, I find myself returning to them…

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    • Nothing specific for next year, outside the ones I have to read for courses, Neil, but I have a whole bookcase full of books I want to read one day… probably well over a year’s worth, so hopefully some of those…

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  1. Gah, how long’s it been since I’ve been here?! So sorry about that, Cath! What a fascinating list here, especially the Graham Greene books. I’m surprised to see them on such different spots on your list. What spurred that change in feeling?

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